Tanzania 50 Senti Rabbit used XF


Tanzania 50 Senti Rabbit used XF

Tanzania coin comes under the African coins. Which also comes under the World coins category.

Country: Tanzania

Denomination: 50 Senti

Content: Nickel Clad steel

Year: 1988 – 1990

Weight:4 gm

Size: 20.9 mm

Portrait of president Mwinyi

Similar conditions AUNC coin will be forwarded. Minor stains and scratches are there.


Tanzania 50 Senti Rabbit used XF

Tanzania coin comes under the African coins. Which also comes under the World coins category.

Country: Tanzania

Denomination: 50 Senti

Content: Nickel Clad steel

Year: 1988 – 1990

Weight:4 gm

Size: 20.9 mm

Portrait of president Mwinyi

  Tanzania 50 Senti Rabbit used XF Tanzania 50 Senti Rabbit used XF


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