San Marino 10 Lire Honeybee AUNC


San Marino 10 lire Honeybee

The San Marino coin comes under the European coins. Which also comes under the World coins category.

Country: San Marino

Denomination: 10 Lire

Content: Aluminium

Size: 23.3 mm

Weight: 1.6 g

Year: 1974

Commemoration: Food Alimentation Organization (F.A.O)

Series: Animals Series (1st edition)

This is a sample image, similar conditions used coins will be forwarded


San Marino 10 lire Honeybee

The San Marino coin comes under the European coins. Which also comes under the World coins category.

Country: San Marino

Denomination: 10 Lire

Content: Aluminium

Size: 23.3 mm

Weight: 1.6 g

Year: 1974

Commemoration: Food Alimentation Organization (F.A.O)

Series: Animals Series (1st edition)


San Marino 10 lire Honeybee San Marino 10 lire Honeybee


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